How to write wordpress blog post by TBO

 Today, we will see how to

 create a post in WordPress, how to publish it and how it

will be displayed in the website. We are going to see

this entire process. Let's start

creating the post. For creating post, we have

to go inside the dashboard. In dashboard, we have

an option to create post. Let's start. See, this is

our dashboard.

In the left side, you must be

seeing an option "Post" here. In "All Posts", all the posts

that I have added will be there. If you click on "Add New" then

you can add a new post here. When we will add the post, we will go to the website and check

how our post is getting displayed. Now, when I see on this website,

it's written as "Nothing found" which means that there is no post. So, we will add a

post from here. We will go to "Posts" and

we will click on "Add New". After clicking on "Add New", an

interface will open in front of you. Here too, the same

interface has been opened as it was while

creating the page.

Here, you have to give the title of

the post that you want to display. So, we will copy the

post from somewhere. We will go to Here, I have

opened a blog. I am using this site

just to copy the data. You can add anything. You can add the post

as per your content. See, I am copying

this title from here. I have copied the title

and pasted it in the title. This is the title

of the post. Now, we will come

to the description. You can add description here

as you had added in the page.

So, I am copying the

description from here. And I am adding

the description here. You can add the description

as much as you want. There is no

problem in that. And I am telling

one more thing that the editor that is

displayed in front of you, you can also add

image in that. Suppose that you want to add

an image in between the post. So here, an option is coming

for you: "Add Gallery". Upload the image from

here as I have done here. And you can also

write caption here. This is the image

that is added.

If you want to add more content

then you can add more content like I have pasted

more content here. It gives all the options that you can

add images and text in the editor and if you want to make it bold then

you can select it and use B tag here. So, it will be bold also. So, here the editor is

giving you all the options where do you

want your content. Do you want it in

left or right or center? That option is also

available here. If you want your content to be in

center then it will take it to the center. The way you are

managing the data here, it will be displayed in the

same way in the website.

We have added

the title here. This is the

title and all this is

the content. The image is

also in the content. Now, if you want to add a separate image

which is the main image of this post You can upload any

number of images in this. But you want to tell that

this is my main image. For main image, like you had

added thumbnail in the page, you can add

thumbnail here also. You have to go

to "Documents". And then you have to click

on "Set Feature Image". Then select the

image that you want.

So, I will upload it first and then

I will take this 4.jpg from here. And then I will select it. Feature image means that

it will be your main image. But, it is coming

in the content. In content, you can add any amount

of data and any number of images. There is no problem. You can also

justify the content. You can also

bold the content. You can adjust the

content according to you. All this is given here. If you want to do

anything then it's like a tool. You can go to these options and

adjust the data according to you.

This is our title and

this is our description. When your post

will be shown, if you want to show

short description which means that you

want to show only 2 lines, and we want that if we

will click on the post then it should show

the details of the post. But it's taking the entire content

and we want to show 2 lines. So for that, I am

copying these 2 lines. You will go

to "Documents". You have already

shown Feature image. Here, you will

go to "Excerpt". Here, you have to write those 2

lines which you want to show.

Excerpt means

short description. When your post

will be shown, this short description

will be shown there. When you will click,

the full description that you had added in the

content will be displayed. I have added title, description,

image and short description. Now, I will tell you some

features that are in this panel. When you go up here, an option

is coming here: Publish. If you want to do it immediately

then click on "Publish" directly or if you click here then you

will get the option for date also through which you can select the

date on which you want to publish. You select the date

here and publish it.

Then it will publish

on that date. It will not publish

immediately. It means that you can

also give time in blog. If you want your post to be

published at 12 or 1 in night then you can also select the

date and time according to you. So, it is giving you

this option also. If you do it immediately then your post will be published

immediately on your website. And I will publish

it from here. When you will publish it from here

then you will go to the website. Then you will

refresh your website. So, your post is

displayed here.

This is your feature image which

is not your content image. This is your title. And this is your short description

that you had put in post excerpt where there was a post excerpt

option on the right side. Now, when you

will click on this, it will go to the

details page and it will display

the entire data that we had added

in the content. Commenting option

will also come there. All this process

will come in that. So, we will

click here. For clicking, it's giving

the link here also

And it's giving the

link here also. You click on any

one of these. After clicking, the main image

is opened in front of you which was the thumbnail

image of your post. This is your title and this is your content. The image that you had

added in the content, it is also displayed

in front of you. And there is comment

option at bottom. You can also add

comments from here. I will explain the entire

process of commenting. Now, I have told you

how to add a new post

And how to justify and

adjust the content in it. And what options

do you take. And I will tell you

one more thing that the page that WordPress

opens for the 1st time, it opens the page

of blogging itself. It will not open any of these 3 pages:

"Home", "About" and "Course". Now, you want that your blogging process should

open on your home page. I will also tell you this

in the further videos. Now, I told you

how to add a post, after adding,

how to publish it and after publishing,

how it is displayed

On your website. Thank you so

much guys. 🙂


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